Friday, December 19, 2014

Eating Well During the Holidays

You think this will be a post about how to eat well during the holidays, and in some ways you would be right, but in others, you would be very, very wrong.

It's hard to eat well. When you go to Chanukah parties and you are tempted by multiple servings of delicious latkes and sufganiot (jelly donuts).

When the only food they have for you is chocolate and latkes, you eat them. You're hungry and they are hard to resist. I mean, look at them. They are amazing, greasy, and tasty. I even had some latkes made out of carrots. Do you think I felt better eating those? For about 5 minutes.

I'm not suggesting to NOT eat them. In fact, Chanukah just isn't Chanukah without a latke, but I know when I've had my fill. And I've reached my limit.

I'm expecting to skip the latkes now. No more oil for me, thank you.

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